Chinese Birthday Bun @ 'Sao Bao'

And this is my pre-run.
Ingredients : (10 buns)
200gm superfine flour/cake flour
100gm water
1/4 tspn yeast
1 tbsp sugar
*150gm red bean paste for filling.
Method :
(1) combine water, sugar and yeast and mix well.
(2) stir in flour to form a soft dough and knead untill smooth.
(3) immediately divide dough into 30gm each.
(use the leftover dough mix with a few drops of green colouring)
(4) divide red bean paste into 15gm each.
(5) wrap red bean paste with dough, sealed properly and shape them in oval.
(6) place dough onto a piece of greaseproof paper.
(7) shape the green dough into leaves and stick them to the bun dough.
(8) use the cutter slightly press on the bun dough to form a peach shape.
(9) sprinkle some red colouring to the bun dough and let to rest for 30 mins.
(I spray the red colouring by using a toothbrush)
(7) spray some water onto the buns. (it's a must!)
(8) then steam for 8-10 mins over high heat.

What do you think about these lovely little buns!

Note : Things have been running pretty slow lately. Will catch up with you all whenever I could! Love ya.
And also wishing all my Indian foodie friends HAPPY DIWALI !
Enjoy & have lots of fun & food.