Coffee Mooncake Biscuit With Dried Figs & Dates

We will be celebrating the Mooncake Festival on this coming 22nd of September, Wednesday night. Wow, time just flies... isn't it! I remember last year I made quite a number of jelly mooncakes for the celebration. And I have missed out this one here... mooncake biscuits! So, I'm not going to miss this again this year.
And here's my mooncake biscuits for the coming celebration.
Ingredients for Coffee Mooncake Biscuit :
250ml golden syrup
110ml peanut oil
1 tspn alkaline water
450gm all purpose flour
1/4 tspn baking soda
1 tbsp instant coffee powder (mix with 1/2 tbsp hot water)
Method :
- combine syrup, peanut cooking oil and alkaline water in a big bowl, mix well.
- keep cover and leave aside for an hour.
- then stir in flour, baking soda and coffee mixture untill well mixed.
- again cover and leave aside for about 2 hours.
- divide dough into 25gm dough ball each for mini size cake mould.
Ingredients for Plain Mooncake Biscuit :
250ml golden syrup
110ml peanut cooking oil
1 tspn alkaline water
430gm all purpose flour
1/4 tspn baking soda
Method ~ follow as the above.
- at the same time divide filling into 25gm dough ball each.
- slightly flatten pastry dough between a plastic sheet.
- wrap filling with the flattened pastry and seal well.
- slightly coat the ball dough with flour and get ready for moulding.
- finally, bake at 175'c for 10 mins then remove and brush with egg glaze.
- Then bake at 165'c for another 10mins or untill brown.
- leave cool completely before serving.
*Egg glaze : one egg beaten

Ingredients for Dried Figs & Dates Filling :
500gm lotus paste
100gm walnut, roasted & chopped
100gm sunflower seeds, roasted
50gm dried figs, chopped
50gm dried dates, chopped
(mix all ingredients into big dough and then divide into 25gm each.)

Ingredients for Candied Kumquat & Dried Cranberry Filling :
500gm lotus paste
100gm candied kumquat, chopped
100gm dried cranberry, chopped
70gm sesame seeds, roasted
(mix all ingredients to form a big dough and divide into 25gm each.)