London Chocolate Cookies

Frankly, I don't have any traditional home bake recipes cause my mom never baked. haha... So, I never bake my own new year cookies as well not untill now! This year, I'm going to try out lots & lots of new year cookies. And this would be my first recipe! Since we're celebrating both Chinese New Year and Valentine's day on the same day, so I'm making these lovely chocolates for the coming celebrations! By the way, I received many happy feed back regarding my last posting about 'my 10 favourite things' especially on issue number 10! HAHAHA.... Did I mentioned I love sex? NO, I'm sorry! I only mentioned about I love sexy instead! GOT YOU!!!! But I'm truely happy that you all have a great time and have a good laugh as well. I'm sure that will make your day a little easier.
Ingredients for dough:
125gm Butter
75gm icing sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tspn vanilla essence
225gm all purpose flour
* 335gm whole roasted almonds
* 400gm dark chocolate, melted
* some roasted crashed almonds, for decorations
Method :
- beat butter and sugar untill fluffy.
- add in egg yolk and stir well.
- fold in flour to form a soft dough.
- use about 3/4 tpsn dough and wrap in an almond nut.
- repeating the process untill completed.
- drizzle the melted chocolate on top.
- finally, decorate with crashed almonds.