Red Dragon Fruit & Green Tea Pasta With Red Wine Sauce

I just bought my pasta maker a couple weeks ago. Can't wait to make some pasta with my new toy! This round, I have double up the green tea powder and the pasta looks darker and smell nice & strong. Other than that I've also trying it out with some dragon fruit puree. It turns out beautifully RED. I love the colour.
Ingredients for Red Dragon Fruit Pasta :
300gm all purpose flour
2 eggs
1/3 cup red dragon fruit puree
a pinch of salt
* Note : combine eggs and fruit puree to make up 2/3 cup and extra flour for dusting.
Method : Refer here. Then add in a little olive oil to the cooked pasta and mix well. To prevent from sticking together.

100gm minced chicken meat (marinade with salt & pepper)
1-1/2 cup red wine
1/2 cup tomato puree
2 large tomato, diced
1 large onion, chopped
1 tspn mixed herbs
1 tspn crashed black pepper
salt to taste
Method :
(1) preheat frying pan with enough cooking oil.
(2) stir in chicken minced, onion & mixed herb and sautee untill fragrant.
(3) add in diced tomatoes and simmer untill soft.
(4) stir in tomato puree, crashed black pepper and red wine, simmer untill the sauce is thickened.
(5) add in salt to taste, off the heat & serve hot with pasta.
(6) ganache with parmesan cheese.

I'm sending this to Denise @ Quickies Noodle Challenge.