'Roti John' is one of our local street food. It is essentially an omelette sandwich, is also a popular Malay breakfast and snack item in Malaysia and Singapore. 'Roti' is the Malay word for bread, and more generally for any bread based food. The origin of the 'John' in the name is allegedly due to the Western origin of the Baguette and the tomato sauce used in the dish. During the years of British Colonial, all Caucasians and Westerners were colloquially and affectionately referred to as 'John' in Malay, and as such the nickname of 'Roti John'(literally 'John Bread') was readily formed. It's a simple and tasty recipe to try on. I usually cook this in my champing trip with my family.
Ingredients :
Hot dog bun or french bread
2 large egg, beaten
1 can sardine or tuna (small can size)
1 large onion, chopped
some red chili or green pepper, chopped
shredded cabbage or coleslaw
mayonnaise & tomato sauce
salt & pepper to taste
Method :
- mashed the sardine or tuna.
- combine egg, sardine, chopped onion and chili, and mix well.
- add in salt and pepper.
- preheat pan with 1 tbsp cooking oil.
- spread the egg mixture over the bread and place it onto the pan.
- it only takes about 1 min to 2.
- then lift it up and place in the cabbage.
- squeeze on tomato sauce & mayonnaise.
- and serve.

Love it or hate it !!! It's not the french toast you're thinking of, unless you try it !