Hakka Steamed Pork With Yam (Yu Tou Kou Rou)

This is a typical traditional Hakka dish which is quite complicated and time consuming recipe. But I've simplified the recipe by using roast pork and has successfully done it. I brought over to my in-law's place for the Mooncake Festival celebration. Actually, this is also one of my in-law favourites. Not bad as a first timer like me making something like this...he he! This is the only time I could make red meat recipe. I don't cook this very often because my hubby and the kids are not taking red meat. I cook occasionally for my in-law though.
Ingredients :
1 kg roast pork, sliced
800gm yam, peeled and sliced
Seasoning :
1/2 tbsp five spice powder
3 cubes fermented beancurd (Lam Yu)
1 tbsp fermented soy bean paste
1 cup water
3 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce
2 tspn light soy sauce
ground pepper
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 tsbp chopped onion
Method :
- combine fermented beancurd, soy bean paste, water, soy sauce, vegetarian oyster sauce & pepper together; mix well.
- preheat pan with 2 tbsp cooking oil.
- rub sliced roast pork with five spice powder.
- stir chopped garlic & onion into frying pan untill aromatic.
- place in roast pork and stir fry about 2 mins or untill fragrant.
- add in sauce mixture and let it simmer over low heat, cover by lid.
- stir the meat gradually, it takes roughly about 5-8 mins in this process
- off the heat and leave aside.
- then fry the sliced yam untill golden brown.
- arrange sliced yam and roast pork alternately in a big bowl.
- pour in the gravy and steam for 30 mins over high heat.
- then invert onto a serving plate and serve.

My hubby said the yam is a bit thick. So, the next time I'm going to slice it thin. Next weekend is my in-law's birthday! It's on Deepavali and we actually celebrated her birthday on every Deepavali. Still planning for her birthday cake! Busy busy busy.....