You know what is the good thing living in a small town. The people here are so friendly and kind. They are good people. They don't like wasting and the best thing is to share. So usually, friends from all over will send in all sort of fresh fruits and pesticide free vegetables every weeks for free.....Yeap, much better than CSA services.*sigh* hehe... I'm lucky to have friends like them. So, in return I usually giving away baked goods. And this week I received a big bag of fresh guava. In the past, I have no idea what to do with them...so I just ended up gave them away to neighbours. Guess what??? After making this jam, I'm not going to give those guava away anymore. OMG, they taste heavenly after making into jam.

Lately my mom is really addicted to homemade jam. After testing my
homemade lemon marmalade & pineapple jam, she's actually expecting more jams coming up from me. She said homemade jam tastes so much better. So, I'm sure she's going to love this desperately too.
Here's what I did.
Ingredients :
8 cups guava, diced
2 cups green apple, diced
2-1/2 cups sugar
1 lemon rind & juice
4 cups water
Method :
(1) combine all ingredients into a big pot and bring it to boil.
(2) let it boil for about 30 minutes over high heat.
(3) then bring it to medium heat and slightly mashed the fruits or you may use the electrical food blender if preferably smoother texture.

(4) then continue on boiling it over medium heat for another 30 minutes. You will notice a layer of bubbles on the surface. Those are
pectin which produced by the green apples & lemon. It helps to gel the fruits.
*green apples, lemon and berries are good source of natural
citric acid. It's best to use as gelling agent in jam making. Or you may use the commercial pectin or citric acid from the store.

(5) keep on boiling the mixture till thickened. You may
refer here for further info, how to test the jam.
(6) off the heat once it's done and fill jam into bottles & seal immediately. You may also
refer here for sealing tips.
*a well sealed jam can be kept for 2 years.

My mom like it chunky and so am I. I bet this will satisfy her crave for sure. Hope you guys will like it too. Have fun!
jam, sauce, dressing