Sun Dried Tomato Mooncake Biscuit

Ingredients for pastry crust :
430gm all purpose flour/HK flour
1/4 tspn baking soda
250ml golden syrup/ honey
110ml peanut oil
1 tspn alkaline/lye water
Method :
(1) combine syrup, oil and alkaline water into a big bowl.
(2) mix well and then leave aside for an hour.
(3) next stir in flour & baking soda, mix to combine and again leave aside for another hour.
(4) finally, divide into sizes as desired and wrap in the fillings.
(5) then mould out the shape and place it to the baking tray.
(6) brush with egg glazing and bake at preheated oven 170'C for 10 mins.
(7) remove tray from oven and brush on egg glazing for the 2nd time.
(8) again bake for another 10mins at 160-170'C or untill golden brown.

Ingredients for Sun Dried Tomato Fillings :
500gm lotus paste
1 cup sun dried tomato, roughly chopped
2 pieces preserved kumquat, roughly chopped
3 tbsp roasted sesame seeds
(combine all ingredients and mix well to form a soft dough, then divide into the size as desired)
#the ratio for wrapping the dough is 50:50, meaning if you used 20gm of filling then the dough should be 20gam as well.

#I'm sending this to Suresh & Shaz @ Muhibbah Malaysian Monday.