Wholemeal Bran Oat Yam Bun

Ingredients :
1-1/4 cup warmed water
2 tbsp sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 tspn salt
2 cups high protein flour/all purpose flour
1 cup wholemeal flour
1/3 cup rolled oat
1 tbsp yeast
2 tbsp butter
Method :
- combine all ingredients together to form a soft dough.
- leave to proof for 60 mins.
- divide into 12-14 portion.
- wrap yam paste with bread dough, then place into muffin cups.
- leave to proof another 30 mins.
- brush on egg glaze and sprinkle with rolled oat.
- cut a cross over the top and bake for 20-25 mins at 200'c or untill golden brown.